How can we help you and your team create the space you need and imagine?
Facilitate visioning and consultation processes to engage stakeholders – client, user and community
Articulate vision and prepare project guidance
Program and Space Planning
Develop functional programs – definition of functional and space requirements
Conduct site verification and space analysis
Develop space plan options
Prepare and monitor budgets and schedules
Interior Design
Conceive and evolve design ideas
Conduct research, solve problems and develop solutions
Prepare design drawings and specifications for interior fit-up, finishes, lighting and millwork
Document for construction
Assist with project management and construction administration
Furniture and Equipment
Provide furniture and equipment planning, design, specifications and procurement coordination
Environmental Communications
Plan and design wayfinding, signage, graphics, donor recognition
Art Consulting
Plan and develop integrated art program

"S'il m’arrive de procéder à d’autres projets ou d’apprendre que quelqu’un serait en recherche d’artistes ou de designer il me fera grand plaisir de vous recommander – j’ai le plus grand respect pour l’excellent travail que vous manifestez – la beauté se reflète sur tout ce que vous entreprenez." Soeur Giséle Vadeboncoeur, Les Soeurs de la Charité d'Ottawa